Supporting Sustainability is a key part of our plan

Supporting Sustainability is a key part of our plan

Many of us in the food business strive to acquire our raw materials from sources that are sustainable. This means that the raw materials consumed for our various products will be replaceable through proper management of the natural resources required to produce them in the first place. Bank Brothers Sustainable Ingredients supports these goals and wherever possible attempts to use raw materials from sustainable sources. To this end BBSI became a member of the Canadian Roundtable for ...

No More Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils (PHO’s)

As of September 2018, Canadian food manufacturers were no longer allowed to formulate their products using Partially Hydrogenated vegetable Oils (PHO’s). Suppliers of fats and oils, like Bank Brothers Sustainable Ingredients now cannot sell cooking oils or shortening to the food service industry if they contain PHO’s. PHO’s were introduced to the public in 1911 with the marketing by Proctor and Gamble of Crisco. The name Crisco was derived from “crystallized corn oil”. Corn oil is liquid ...

Cholesterol – what is it good for anyway?

Cholesterol is a much discussed and debated subject. As such its role end effects on our diet are often misunderstood. To this end, we wanted to pull the curtain back a little bit on this waxy fat-like substance. First, some basics. Cholesterol is produced primarily by the liver in both humans and animals and is found in all cells of the body. It is also found in food (dietary cholesterol) in fats derived from animal sources: lard, ...